Smoldering privilege speech

If elections were held today, vice governatorial contender Conching Lim would easily lose to Tommy Abapo.
The on-line survey conducted by DYRD shows the big lead enjoyed by Abapo over Conching.
Abapo got 62% while Conching only got 21%. Elpedio Jala got 17%.
This is definitely bad news for Conching.
She could even be overtaken by Jala in the 2nd spot. Her lead over Jala is a measly 4%.
* * *
Naturally, Conching should not expect to get a good showing in the survey.
The survey is based on popularity. Abapo is popular, Conching is not.
* * *
Not only that, since the time he started in government service, Abapo’s name has not been linked to graft and corruption.
Yes, he is clean.
But Conching is different.
Ever since, Conching’s name has always been linked to the controversial Medicare scandal.
For how could she explain the more than 1 million pesos in monthly Medicare claims for her LOL Memorial Hospital in Valencia?
Remember that there are 2 hospitals in Valencia. And there is no epidemic ever recorded in Valencia. And yet, Conching’s LOL Hospital submitted voluminous monthly Medicare claims amounting to more than a million pesos.
Where did she get that much number of patients to justify the million pesos in Medicare claims?
* * *
Of course, we should remember that many times, the Medicare inspectors caught some “hakot” patients with very questionable dextrose “connections.”
Many times too, the “hakot” patiens were caught lying because the “briefing” wasn’t extensive enough.
But just the same, no prosecution and no suspension either.
Well, lawyer Tim Cabatos knows the answer.
He lawyered for Conching in many of her Medicare cases.
* * *
Me, well, I talked to a top official of the Social Security System (SSS) in Manila.
And that official told me a lot. Yes, a lot.
He told me about his frustrations and disappointments in the prosecution of the Medicare cases.
He told me about deals, special arrangements and some shenanigans involving some officials in government. And these are all documented. In fact, some of these documents are in my possession.
Anyway, we shall slowly unravel some of these stories in our succeeding episodes.
* * *
Still remember that fateful interview of Cong. Ondoy Cajes over Cuentas Claras radio program several weeks ago?
Recall that there was an immediate blast from Cong. Ondoy that I was biased when I asked him about his statement that “ang partido maoy nagtuboy sa akong asawa, si Judith Cajes.”
He blurted a lot of emotional outburst about my being the lawyer of Governor Erico Aumentado on the CONA case before Comelec Manila.
Before he went berserk on the airlanes, I reminded him that my question had nothing to do with the CONA case, I was only interested to ask him about his previous pronouncement that it was the admin party that urged his wife Judith to run for congress in the 2nd district.
He immediately rectified his statement that “ang partido maoy nag-issue sa CONA.”
Naturally, he forgot to answer my question on whether or not it was the party, not he or his wife, who actively sought the position for his wife.
If he answered that it was really the party which initiated everything, then I would have confronted him with what I knew which was contrary to his assertion.
I happen to know that all the while, they had been planning for the candidacy of Judith Cajes, not as re-electionist mayor, but as congressman in the 2nd district.
This was long before the filing of COCs. And long before that very controversial unity mass, unity picture, unity raising of the hands and unity dinner which were nothing but a sham.
* * *
Sensing the hostility, Longcuts retreated because it would not be nice listening the heated exchange on air.
On the next interview with Cong. Ondoy Cajes, he was not as pikon as the first interview. He seemed friendly and there was no more heated exchange.
Nonetheless, I was cautious because things could get worse any minute.
* * *
Last Wednesday evening, somebody told me by text that Ondoy Cajes had just delivered a smoldering privilege speech in the House of Representatives.
In his speech, he reportedly attacked the governor, the provincial PNP chief and yours truly.
I contacted a friend in Congress who promised to provide me with a copy of the speech.
* * *
True enough, the speech is volcanic.
The protégé of the governor is now a man full of hatred and contempt against the governor.
But I leave the governor to answer the charges against him.
I will focus on the charges against yours truly.
* * *
It was totally unfair.
He destroyed and maligned me without giving me a chance to defend myself.
He accused me of lack of credibility in my home province.
I wonder where he got this stupid idea.
Right after taking the Bar Exam, I transferred residence sometime in 1989. I am now domiciled in Bohol and only visits my home province during special occasions.
I started my legal profession since then and joined the local media in the mid-90’s up to the present.
Where did Cong. Ondoy Cajes get that stupid idea about lack of credibility in my home province?
Another batch of lies, bay?
* * *
My engagement as legal counsel of Governor Aumentado in the CONA case before Comelec Manila is purely professional.
As a practicing lawyer before he became an honorable member of Congress, Ondoy Cajes knows that any case that comes our way is fair game to us lowlife.
A legal engagement means income. And in the case of the governor, it is not only income but a chance to expand the legal horizon.
So why the attack below the belt, bay Congressman?
More than that, why include me in your war against the governor?
* * *
When he attacked me in the House of Representatives, he knows that I could not defend myself.
He also knows that I could not run after him for his libelous utterances because he is clothed with parliamentary immunity.
But more than that, I have nothing to do with his present woes.
I called him up, talked to him and his wife, before writing my news item.
The only problem in this respect is that, he prefers to give his answers in other local newspapers. As his wife Judith Cajes told me once, they have arrangements with the Bohol Chronicle regarding news articles.
More so that this arrangement includes placing of advertisements also in the Bohol Chronicle.
I understand democracy and I have no intention to begrudge myself if that is their choice.
Nonetheless, I persevered in getting their side of the story. So when I wrote that “BETRAYAL” story involving Cong. Ondoy Cajes and Cong. Edgar Chatto, I took special efforts to solicit their sides.
There were ample background materials and interviews.
* * *
It goes without saying that I was only reporting an important event. I was just the messenger of the “bad” publicity.
I did not create it. They created the monsters themselves.
If Cong. Ondoy did not like my story, no problem because I didn’t expect him to read it anyway. He’s got his other newspapers to boot.
And more to the point, he has legal remedies if I wrote something false and malicious.
He said he has recordings. Good. Why not use these recordings here where it happens?
* * *
You see, the unity mass actually happened.
The unity picture also happened.
The unity dinner also happened.
The unity march to the Comelec provincial office also happened.
And the filing of a COC for Mayor of Trinidad, instead of filing a COC for vice governor also happened.
The filing of COC for congressman in the 2nd district, instead of filing a COC for mayoral reelection also happened.
All these were reported in this paper.
The smash up in Loboc of the Nissan Patrol registered in the name of Ondoy Cajes’ daughter Jane Censoria Cajes also happened.
The reported presence of Cong. Ondoy during the smash up was also reported.
Other papers also reported.
So why is Cong. Ondoy Cajes angry with yours truly?
* * *
Well, the succeeding episodes will be very interesting.
I have accumulated some exotic stories about Cong. Ondoy and Judith Lao Cajes.
Since this lowlife does not have the Halls of Congress at his disposal, we shall devote a lot of these interesting stories in this corner.
More when we return, stay tuned for more!



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