The Mayor with a Honda CRV
All the while, there was so much noise over the so-called un-liquidated cash advances in the city.
The thinking was – there was some corruption going on in the city government and the so-called whistle-blowers were having a grand time basking on the limelight.
But if there was corruption, one wonders why the COA has not filed administrative or criminal charges against the grafters.
If there was corruption, one also wonders why the whistle-blowers are not filing complaints before the Ombudsman.
There are certified whackos in the city who file graft cases left and right. The whistle-blowers could have summoned their valuable assistance for the filing of appropriate cases.
But there is none.
And besides, why is the city government the only focus of attack?
Why not the province or some other government offices.
In the case of the province, I doubt if the governor does not have an abundance of un-liquidated cash advances taking into account his constant travels, here and abroad.
* * *
Here’s a simple case of un-liquidated cash advance.
An official travel brought Juan to Manila. He stayed there for 2 days. In the course of his stay, he incurred expenses. He kept all the receipts but unfortunately, he lost one receipt when he bought one ream of short bond paper.
Time came to return to office, he took an inventory and discovered one missing receipt for 250 (short bond paper).
So even if Juan could properly account for his other expenditures of 49,750, still under the record, Juan has an un-liquidated cash advance of P50,000.
It is a basic accounting principle that accounts should be balanced down to the last centavo.
* * *
In the case of Arlene Karaan, executive assistant to the city mayor, she was listed as having an un-liquidated cash advance of 700,000 plus.
She was immediately lambasted left and right, in both print and broadcast.
Some members of the local media took potshots at her – things like, “unsa man ang panakot nga gipalit sa cook sa city, bulawan?”
She was not given the chance to explain why she had an un-liquidated cash advance.
It was a case of condemn first, explain later.
Anybody in her shoes would naturally get ballistic.
* * *
Now, it turned out that she had already settled her un-liquidated cash advances a long time ago.
The Office of the City Accountant has released documents to show that the cash advances in the name of Arlene Karaan were already settled and liquidated. Turned out not a single centavo was spent for “golden spices.”
City kagawad Oscar Glovasa took this up during the regular session of the city sanggunian last Friday.
But prior to that, Arlene Karaan had the floor of the sanggunian all to herself.
In between tears, she expressed disappointment over the way she was treated in the media.
And in a very dramatic manner, she asked somebody in the sanggunian, “kon ikaw balikbalikon ug sulti nga kawatan imong papa, malipay ka?”
* * *
She was deeply hurt and terribly offended.
She narrated her misgivings to Longcuts last Saturday morning.
She said she was just honestly doing her job, what she likes most. And here comes allegations “nga di makaon ug iro” leveled against her, she said.
* * *
A lot of parents and athletes are complaining.
The athletes have been practicing for months now. They were honing in their talent in the hope of harvesting the elusive gold medal in Dumaguete City during the 2009 CVIRAA Games next week.
The parents are also expecting the best performance from their children.
But, bad news.
The DepEd has decided to downsize the delegation, only about half will proceed to Dumaguete. The rest, maybe next time.
This was relayed just as they were already all-set to go.
Terribly frustrating, I should say.
* * *
Okay, okay, we can understand the cost-cutting. The budget is not enough for the original delegation. The decision to cut size is therefore practical.
But who remains in the delegation?
We hope the delegation is stripped of the kibitzers or the “socializers.”
They do nothing but socialize – eat, drink and be merry. They have nothing to do with the games. They are only after the socials.
And of course, they expect to earn “points” in their personal files. And in DepEd lingo, those “points” are a must for promotion. Minus those “points,” one can only dream of going up the ladder of the profession.
Longcuts hopes the new delegation to the CVIRAA Games in Dumaguete is purged of the kibitzers and “socialists.”
Only those who have real and actual job should go.
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When is a newspaper considered of general circulation as required when publishing notices of extrajudicial foreclosure?
In a February 27, 2009 Metrobank vs. Penafiel case, the Supreme Court has an occasion to rule on this issue.
The Court said that “to be a newspaper of general circulation, it is enough that it is published for the dissemination of local news and general information, that it has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and that it is published at regular intervals. Over and above all these, the newspaper must be available to the public in general, and not just to a select few chosen by the publisher. Otherwise, the precise objective of publishing the notice of sale in the newspaper will not be realized.”
“In fact,” the Supreme Court continued, “to ensure a wide readership of the newspaper, jurisprudence suggests that the newspaper must also be appealing to the public in general. The Court has, therefore, held in several cases that the newspaper must not be devoted solely to the interests, or published for the entertainment, of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race, or religious denomination. The newspaper need not have the largest circulation so long as it is of general circulation.
Sec. 3 of Act No. 3135 does not only require that the newspaper must be of general circulation; it also requires that the newspaper be circulated in the municipality or city where the property is located.”
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Remember, the case filed by the oppositors to the rehabilitate-operate-transfer (ROT) contract between the city government and a private consortium?
One of the issues raised was the propriety of publishing the notice in the Manila Times.
Does the Manila Times meet this requirement?
* * *
Still remember the case of the lady-mayor who charged her husband with a VAWC case before the courts so she could maintain her regular sexual congress with her paramour because the husband had to disappear from the conjugal picture?
Turned out she has another case pending before the Ombudsman.
She is also facing one criminal and one administrative case.
Which means, this lustful mayor has 3 Ombudsman cases to consider.
The source told Longcuts last week this mayor has very slim chance at reelection because of the issues raised against her.
You see, her paramour has bought a Honda CRV for her personal service. The vehicle is not registered in her name but in the name of a favorite supplier.
Just to be on the safe side, or so they thought.
Interested in her identity, look around and see which lady-mayor is sporting a Honda CRV these days?
More when we return, stay tuned for more!
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