Erico vs. Judith, oh, c’mon!
They are bashed and whacked mercilessly for days, weeks on end on air and on print.
It seems nobody is buying the yarn that their hands are clean.
Many people believe that they were “traitors” and they stabbed the governor on his back.
* * *
The picture that was printed in last Sunday’s papers speaks volumes about the treacherous plot that was unfolding then.
In the picture, they held hands with smiles plastered on their faces.
There was no cloud of doubt, yes, no doubt at all, that everybody was united for a common cause.
But there was a sinister plot somewhere.
Yes, lurking in somebody else’s minds was a dirty plan to destroy and terminate with extreme prejudice the governor.
And the evident premeditation was very clear.
First, there was the so-called “unity mass.”
Again, they held hands.
Then, there was that “mass filing” of COCs at the Comelec, sans Cong. Ondoy.
Then, there was that “unity picture” where they raised their hands in unison, again, with those sweet, sweet smiles on their faces.
And finally, there was that “unity dinner” at the Bohol Tropics after the mass filing at the Comelec.
They shared food and everybody was happy for the common victory of the party.
Nobody had an inkling that there was something amiss then.
Nobody noticed then that Cong. Ondoy Cajes did not file his COC for vice governor.
Clearly, the governor had been lulled into believing that everything was in order.
Nasud sa bulsa, as they say.
* * *
While they were praying before God and man at the St. Joseph Cathedral that fateful afternoon of December 1, the plotters were already thinking of implementing these things:
1. Cong. Ondoy would not file his COC for vice governor, instead he would file his COC for mayor of Trinidad.
2. Mayor Judith Cajes would file her COC as congressman of the 2nd district.
3. They would continue to exert the pressure on Conching Lim to file her COC as vice governatorial candidate.
4. If Conching Lim files her COC, that would give them the excuse to validly launch the candidacy of Judith Cajes on the pretext that the governor has allowed Conching Lim to run against Cong. Ondoy. Believe it or not, Conching Lim was nothing but a pawn.
5. At the same time, there was already the bomb about to be exploded – revocation of the gov’s CONA.
And all the time they were entertaining all these plots and sub-plots to crucify the Gov, they were holding hands, sharing smiles, sharing food and drinks.
* * *
Minus the “unity mass,” “unity dinner” and “unity picture,” many were inclined to believe that Cong. Chatto and Cong. Cajes were not in any way involved.
But when that picture came out, and when news came out that Cong. Ondoy did not file his COC as vice governor and Judith Cajes filed her COC as 2nd district congressman, the tide of public opinion shifted.
Many are now in the belief that somehow, Cong. Edgar and Cong. Ondoy had a hand in the crucifixion of the gov on December 1.
* * *
The entry of Cong. Adam Relson Jala and Conching Lim in the picture was completely a surprise.
As for Cong. Jala, nobody thought he was gunning for vice governatorial position. Many were thinking he would silently “retire” because after all, he was just there to warm the seat for his father and beat the 3-term limit.
When he arrived at the Comelec office few minutes before deadline and filed posthaste his COC for vice governor, many smelled rotten fish.
More so that he admitted during ambush interviews that he was not really prepared to file. He was just persuaded to file.
As for Conching Lim, long before the deadline for filing of COC, her name came out as a governatorial bet but not on the side of Cong. Chatto.
She was more identified on the side of Vice Governor Julius Caesar Herrera.
In fact, many times, her name was floated as Vice Gov’s running mate.
Many were surprised when Adam Jala withdrew and Conching Lim filed her COC in substitution.
Conching Lim is now allied with the “plotters” against the Gov. Is she abandoning her pact with the Gov?
* * *
The Gov was accused of riding two horses – Lakas-Kampi-CMD and Nacionalista.
On the basis of the so-called “intelligence network” plus consultation with Cong. Chatto and Cong. Ondoy Cajes, the Gov was stripped of his CONA.
Cong. Chatto and Cong. Cajes, plus Rene Relampagos must have shared a victory laugh then.
The Gov filed an appeal before the national directorate of Lakas-Kampi-CMD, seeking justice and invoking his right to due process.
An arbitration committee chaired by former Cong. Prospero Pichay handled the controversy.
After a thorough deliberation, the arbitration committee decided on December 4 to reinstate the CONA of the governor and revoked the CONA of Judith Cajes.
As of now, the Gov is the only candidate for congressman in the 2nd district under Lakas-Kampi-CMD party.
As of now, Judith Cajes is an independent candidate for congressman in the 2nd district.
* * *
Just to clarify the point, Cong. Pichay came up with the following statement:
“After a careful deliberation and consideration of the facts, circumstances and party rules, we found merit in the request for reconsideration of Gov. Aumentado and so hold and sustain that the validity and effectivity of his CONA with Serial No. 22565 was uninterrupted from the time of its issuance up to the present, and we recommended the revocation of the CONA of Mayor Cajes with Serial No. 22522 retroactive to the time it was issued.”
This means that there was no break in the Gov’s being an official candidate of Lakas-Kampi-CMD. Short and simple story, there was no time at all that he became an independent.
On the other hand, there was no time at all that Judith Cajes became an official candidate of Lakas-Kampi-CMD.
She was an independent candidate since the time she filed her COC on December 1.
* * *
The betting now is with the revocation, will Judith Cajes continue with her congressional plans?
There are some who believe that she will withdraw.
But many are in the belief that she would not. The camp of Cong. Ondoy Cajes had been planning this scenario long before the filing of COC.
After all, if the Jalas could do it in the 3rd district, there is no reason why the Cajeses could not do it likewise in the 2nd district.
But my ears are hearing very strongly that she would not withdraw and she would continue with her political plans. They are already committed.
As I see it, the battle lines are drawn. It’s now kill or be killed.
* * *
Many are in disbelief.
How on earth could Judith Cajes fill into the shoes of the governor insofar as looking for project is concerned?
Even when her husband Cong. Ondoy was about to replace the gov, he expressed reservations as to his competence.
That was Cong. Ondoy then.
Now that Judith Cajes is about to mount the podium and shout her intention to battle it out with the Gov, I could hardly wait to listen how she intends to portray her role in the district.
More when we return, stay tuned for more.